Cosmetic Surgery
Cosmetic Facial surgery » Face Lift

The information provided is generalised and comprehensive patient-specific advice can only be given at individual Consultation.

Face and Neck Lifting Surgery

The face is often the first part of the body to show visible signs of aging. The skin of the face becomes thinner and loses its elasticity, facial fat is displaced and underlying muscle tone gradually weakens. This results in loss of volume in the mid-face. The cheeks lose definition, folds running from the nostrils to the corners of the lips deepen, the sides of the mouth start to droop and jowling occurs around the jaw line. Lines form in the slackened skin of the neck, and the well-defined angle between the neck and chin progressively disappears. Around the eyes, expression lines become more prominent, the eyebrows droop and the upper eyelids sag.

Lifting Surgery

The rate at which visible aging occurs is mainly hereditary. However, several factors such as the effects of gravity, smoking, a stressful lifestyle, weight gain or loss and sun exposure can speed things up considerably.

Individuals often request facelift surgery when they feel that the tired-looking image in the mirror does not accurately reflect their internal spirit.

Face Lifting surgery is a procedure that smoothes the skin of the face and neck by tightening the underlying tissues and muscle and removing excess skin. The procedure is highly effective, in the correctly selected candidate, for rejuvenating and refreshing the appearance of the face and jaw line. A neck lift (Platysmaplasty) and surgery to the eyelids (Blepharoplasty) can be carried out in conjunction with this if necessary, to achieve optimal results. The aim is to achieve the most natural, youthful look with subtle contouring, not one that looks tight and clearly operated upon. There are many different types, including an endoscopic facelift, a subperiosteal facelift and deep plane facelift, and often the language and science involved in these delicate procedures can seem complex. Book a consultation by calling 07771 923 019, to be sure that you are choosing your perfect procedure.
